(Available in 275 g or 125 g box.) Ideal for training for all breeds, sizes, and age; High in lean protein; Contains calcium and amino acids; No Additives; No Preservatives; Antibiotic, hormone, and steroid-free; Nutrient-rich treat. Beef provides a variety of nutrients, including the essential amino acids required to synthesize protein compounds; high levels of HDL-producing oleic acid, which lowers the risk of heart disease; B vitamins to help with efficient energy metabolism; and a high concentration of minerals like zinc, iron, phosphorus, and selenium. Beef is a high-quality source of protein with great palatability. Beef is rich in iron and zinc, which are beneficial for healthy skin and immune function. Beef is also rich in vitamins B12 and B6, which help support metabolic functions. Beef can improve muscle growth and maintenance; it contains higher amounts of iron than chicken or fish. Beef protein is highly nutritious and may promote muscle maintenance and growth. Beef contains varying amounts of fat, including CLA-conjugated linoleic acid, which has been linked to health benefits.